Consultancy Services for Undertaking a Study on the Implementation of Teacher Education Curriculum in Uganda On Behalf Of Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education (LUIGI)

Summary of Assignment

This consultancy assignment was conceived by the Ministry with funding support from Education to basically addresses the stakeholders to the ‘how’ question in relation to the implementation of the Teacher education curriculum in Uganda.

Teacher education in Uganda is a mandate of different institutions and actors. In general, there are five categories of teachers/tutors in Uganda. First, there are pre-primary teachers who produced by both public and private institutions. There are those teachers who teach in primary schools (Grade III), Secondary (Grade V), Secondary (degree holders) and tertiary (Instructors and technical education teachers and Health Tutors). Needless to say, the lecturers of teacher education in Universities also need to be considered as part of the broader teacher educators. Primary School teachers are trained from the Primary Teachers’ Colleges (PTCs) and these are awarded a Grade III Certificate in Education which is the basic requirement to teach in primary schools.

Grade V teachers train from National Teachers Colleges (NTCs) and these receive the award of Grade V Diploma in Education. The next category are degree holders trained from universities. These are awarded Degrees of Education with some specializations in some cases like BA education, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Science in Education, and Bachelor of Primary Education among others. There are also different grades of BTVET teachers. First, those awarded Diploma in BTVET and are trained from the National Instructors’ College. Second, those awarded a Bachelor in Technical Education and are trained from universities.

TheCabinet of Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sports on 1st April 2019 passed National Teacher Policy in order to streamline and sustainably address teacher related challenges. The Policy provides for a framework for streamlining, coordinating and mainstreaming interventions aimed at professionalizing the teaching profession. Some of the critical aspects for effective roll out and implementation of the various provisions of the Policy include the: establishment of the National Teacher Council; establishment of a National Institute of Teacher Education; and mainstreaming of crosscutting issues into teacher training, management and utilization and teacher practices among others. These are intended to guide and coordinate the undertakings of the various critical interventions for purposes of professionalizing the teaching profession in Uganda.

Therefore, Radix Management Consulting (U) Ltd was contracted by Ministry of Education and Sports through the Teacher, Instructor Education and Training (TIET) department together with Kyambogo University and in collaboration with Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education to undertake a comprehensive performance assessment evaluation to inform the effective planning, sequencing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Grade III PTE curriculum Policy interventions.

The overall purpose of this consultancy was to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the current Grade III PTE curriculum to inform its review.

Duration: October 2019 – August 2020

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