Organization Development Services

Organization Development is the practice of helping organisations solve problems and reach goals. Organisational Development helps all staff members of all categories build the capacity to learn and grow, achieve greater effectiveness at work and build vision and strategy.

Radix Management Consulting (U) Ltd, offers a range of services including:

  • Strategic Planning – providing planning sessions to achieve SWOTS analysis, develop vision, mission and value statements and build goals, strategies, objectives and measurable outcomes.
  • Working Environment surveys – We help organizations to take a pulse on the way in which staff members think about their work environment. Current surveys explore employee concerns, management practices and organization issues. Organization Development works to administer and interpret surveys, as well as to help organizations create effective action plans to address strengths and challenges identified in the survey.
  • Team development – We help in developing the employees’ ability to work more effectively together.  Team effectiveness assessments are available which will help the team develop staff current strengths and challenges.
  • Training solutions – finding training resources to help build skill level and support organizations’ change initiatives.
  • Management and leadership consultation – Assisting managers to develop best practices for their work.

Survey Management Services

We provide the services below;

  • Design of Surveys
  • Questionnaire Development
  • Survey Administration and management
  • Generation of Results for effective decision making
  • Analysis and Interpretation of Results
  • Production of Reportss
  • Development of Recommendations and Action Plans
  • Feedback of Findings to Management/Employees
  • Implementation of Improvement Strategies

Strategic Planning

We assist clients to understand the importance of having a strategic vision and mission for achieving organisational mandates. We provide services to design strategic plans, conduct baseline studies for the strategic plan, undertake mid-term evaluations on the strategic plan to assess what is working and what is not working as well as undertaking end of strategic plan evaluations. We assist clients in conducting environment scanning to design clear strategic direction based on the mandate of our client organisation and within the changing context. We assist clients design a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the implementation of the strategic plan. We provide advisory services on critical success factors relevant for implementation of strategic plans.

Ethics and Integrity

We always make sound judgments and communicate honestly with clients and Radix employees. Examples include:

  • Holding ourselves and others accountable for promises and commitments;
  • Always doing the right thing;

Exercising good judgment and common sense.

Flexibility and Adaptability

We are flexible and open to change, particularly as client needs and market demands grow. Examples include:

  • Understanding and accepting changes in client requirements or project (internal or external) timelines;
  • Willingness to go outside of our primary role to help the client or to provide support where it is needed;
  • Embracing change and adapting quickly to new challenges.


We work collaboratively with clients, partners and team members to reach a common goal. Examples include:

  • Assisting other team members when trying to meet a deadline;
  • Sharing ideas with others and being open to others’ suggestions;
  • Understanding overall team goals and objectives, and working together to achieve them.


We deliver what we promise and add value that goes beyond what is expected. We achieve Excellence through Innovation, Learning and Alertness.

  • Innovation; We develop creative solutions and put them into action. As a firm that is establishing itself, it means developing innovative ideas and putting them into practice successfully.
  • Learning; we learn by continuously developing and deepening our knowledge of our business, and the skills of everyone within it.
  • Alertness; We are always alert to change and moving quickly and decisively to meet the challenges that emerge from such change; so that we provide our clients, and ourselves with a competitive edge

Are you getting to the Root of your Problems?

Are you fixing the symptoms or solving the root cause of problems? If you’re not doing the latter, then you or your employees must be extremely busy.

A “symptom” is an indicator or a sign that a problem exists. Let’s take an example that we can all relate to, customer service. The underlying problem may be heavy overtime, boredom, poor management, pending layoffs, etc. which leads to low morale and causes poor customer service. Low morale doesn’t happen by itself and can’t be resolved by itself. When you resolve an issue, you must address the cause (“root cause”) of the problem, not a related symptom.

Fixing the symptoms is just a waste of valuable resource and money, only to have the problem reoccur again and again. A never ending cycle of the same problems! As the sayings goes “Time Is Money”.

Problem SolvingThe typical job today requires much multi-tasking, juggling the day-to-day tasks, our personal life and solving the problems can translate to a busy schedule and no time to get to the root-cause. This is especially true when time is against you and you have to do whatever it takes to ensure continuous operations. Hence the quick solutions. This is perfectly acceptable in certain situations, for example, a customer order has to be delivered on time.

It doesn’t matter what the explanation or situation is, we all sometimes do apply a quick fix to problems. We have good intentions to return later and develop a better solution, but most of the time we never get around to it and move on to the next problem, only to have the thing we thought we’d fixed rear its ugly head again a few days, weeks or months later

The chances are, if we step back and take a look at the bigger picture, something different appears. While every problem is, in one sense, unique, there are definitely similar themes and patterns. Orders are always a similar amount of time late, always having to chase parts in from suppliers, incomplete information on the customer order, big differences between customer forecasts and actual orders.

If you are in this dilemma, then chances are you are always overburdened with the similar problems one after the other. The solution to overcoming this is to change your approach to solving problems in your organisation.

It enables organisations to have a common understanding and definition of what “the problem” actually is, which drives a response.
It allows the organisation to focus their valuable time and energy on things that actually matter to the business and customers.
It drives thorough planning, root cause analysis, and the implementation of mistake proof solution to insure problems don’t reoccur.

You can’t find a solution to a problem until you truly understand why you are having the problem in the first place.

Problem-solving is a science if applied systematically using the appropriate methodology to identify and treat the root cause rather than the symptoms. This requires that you develop a well-defined approach to dealing with problems and makes sure that the root causes are identified and resolved so that the same problems don’t happen again. The benefits of having a structured approach are:

It drives a systematic approach to problem-solving
Provides the framework for teams to carry out improvements (solve problems)
It is used together with common Quality Control Tools
It allows for sustainable solution to be developed

There are many different methodologies for problem-solving and some may not be applicable to your need. How to decide what is best for you or your company? Is there a generic approach that you can take? Of course!

In short, a systematic, adaptive approach that can be applied to any problem and help you to get to root cause and solve in less time with less effort, that is:

Clarify the Problem
Break Down the Problem
Target Setting (that we will achieve)
Determine and Analyse the Root Cause
Develop Countermeasures
See Countermeasures through
Confirm the Results and Processes
Standardise Success and Learn from Failures

Developing your problem-solving skills can have significant beneficial impact on both your personal and professional life. To learn more about problem solving, read the articles listed below

Our next one-day training workshop on Problem Solving is taking place on 6th December , click here for details

Mark Shaw is a Consultant with The Consultancy Company and an experienced operations management leader. Drop Mark an e-mail to ku.oc.ycnatlusnoC-ehT@wahS.kraM if you would like more information.

Reference articles:

Are you solving the same problem over and over again?

I know what the problem is!

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